An Overview of Reggie Ezell's Year Long Calligraphy Course

Very few calligraphers hove the opportunity to experience an ongoing continuity of instruction. At best, local groups and schools sponsor unrelated workshops and seminars.

This discontinuity, and a t times, even contradictory instruction is frustrating. The year long course is an extended sequence of classes that offer continuity in the fundamentals of calligraphy: a structured development of letter forms, integrating materials, techniques, and design. No single course can completely fulfill every need for every calligrapher and neither is there a singular “right" way to learn.

However, running continually for an entire year, this course does offer a structure and an ongoing systematic process through which each student might give shape and direction to his own individual development and vision.

The intent of the course is not simply to copy sets of alphabets or produce some finished works to then "show': Instead of being an end in themselves the letterforms and works are means to acquiring specific skills of hand, eye, mind, and judgment. This enables students to analyze and synthesize any set of forms, mode of design or format, use of material or technique, and ultimately enable them to generate letters which are personal and appropriate visual expressions that interpret and amplify the spirit of a text.

Every course in every city has been followed up the following year by an exhibition of the works produced in the course by the students.

Presented simultaneously with letterforms are a variety of materials, techniques, formats and design which expose students to possibilities they may never have had access to before. It places within the grasp of their mind and hand the reality' of" disciplined freedom."

It is through the ability to control these many facets of the craft, acquiring a level of fluency with them that the conscious mind need no longer be immediately there as impediments; but instead become transparent facilitators through which the flow of images and ideas transform and indeed "illuminate" a text, and raise that level of expression to a fine art.

The best things to come out of this or any course rise up and go beyond the course or teacher. These best moments are the expressions of hope and struggle of individual spirits made manifest through work.

The best things to come out of this or any course rise up and go beyond the course or teacher. These best moments are the expressions of hope and struggle of individual spirits made manifest through work.
1  -  Sherri Kiesel 2  -  Cheryl Adams
3  -  Ann Rabinowitz 4  -  Dee Segula
5  -  Wendy Casey 6  -  Ann Woods
7  -  Chris Supina 8  -  Amy Beebe
9  -  Sandy Mundy 10 - Jill Norvell
11- Gwen Weaver 12 - Mike Kecseg
13- Sylvia Mast 14 - Cheryl Sheeler
15 - Mike Kecseg  
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