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Week #4
This work was done by Peggy Kunkel in Memphis in 2017 for the session “Variations on Romans” in 26 Seeds: a Year to Grow. In her own words:
One of Reggie’s assignments on Roman Variations was to pick a short quote and do it 3 different ways. I struggled with the first two layouts and then exploded with ideas. I finally quit after doing 7.

To inspire me, I went through my collection of books looking for different lettering variations. Then I spent a day or so practicing each particular hand. Some ended up being used and some I just filed for future reference.

The first piece that is shown was done with Zig Metallic Markers (the only ones I had in my studio) on a piece of Ingres. The letterform was done originally by Colleen and she did hers in black.
 The second layout (a gorgeous piece by Ismar David) comes from Artists & Alphabets. I stole the lettering and layout. It is a piece I have long admired and really wanted to try it. The quote was repeated 3 times to create the rectangle. I used a Mitchell 4 and an EF66 with walnut ink on Arches HP. This hand required manipulation and was difficult. Whereas Mr. David colored in between the words, I chose to fill in the “O’s”.

The third piece was also done on Ingres. The red is watered down Cad Red Deep. The other is Oxide of Chromium and Black. I added just a little black and it overwhelmed the Oxide, but it still reads as a dark green. Two nibs were used – a Brause 2 and Brause 1.

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You can enjoy all the Pics of the Week from 2009 through 2018,
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Information on courses and workshops www.reggieezell.com
You can contact me directly: contactreggie@comcast.net  or 773-202-8321
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Full length calligraphy videos and PORTFOLIOS by Reggie: