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Week #7
This work was done by Cynthia Stiles in San Antonio in 2016 for the session “ DESIGN: Deconstructing the Grid” in PRIMITIVE TO MODERN. In her own words:
This piece is about 14 x 20, I used sheets Reggie had available for us which showed cosmic formations which I felt worked with my overall vision for the piece. This was placed on waxed Arches 140# cold press provided by Reggie.

I first did the quote using Neugebauer caps, the same height and then enlarged or reduced them using a copier. I played around with the layout until I was satisfied with it and copied it on a card stock paper and cut out some of the letter forms.

I really like this quote! I need to be reminded of this often.
I used the Charles Mackintosh rose as my inspiration for the cut out design which lead to a unique ‘problem’ since it left me with a large network of interconnected pieces that made it hard to spread it out. The swirl I added didn’t help either but it does give the piece energy. After some tweaking and incorporating other papers it worked out quite well.

After fitting the pieces together I used a hot foil pen to give the piece sparkle, like stars in the sky.

It was a fun piece to do, expanding on the possibilities.
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You can enjoy all the Pics of the Week from 2009 through 2018,
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You can contact me directly: contactreggie@comcast.net  or 773-202-8321
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